Bankruptcy Lawyers Explain The Bankruptcy Process

The Bankruptcy Case Process

If you plan to file for bankruptcy, take the time to learn about the bankruptcy process from qualified Massachusetts bankruptcy lawyers before you jump in. Start by reviewing the steps in a typical bankruptcy case for both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Then learn about important bankruptcy procedures, protections, and requirements, like the credit counseling requirement, the powerful automatic stay, the creditors’ meeting, the Chapter 13 confirmation hearing, and the role of the bankruptcy trustee. You can also find information on converting from one chapter of bankruptcy to another, what happens if creditors challenge certain aspects of your bankruptcy, and more.

Bankruptcy Lawyers Provide An Overview of How Your Bankruptcy Case Will Proceed

Steps in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case

Here’s what to expect in a typical Chapter 7 bankruptcy case.

Steps in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case

This chart outlines the steps in a typical Chapter 13 case.

Bankruptcy Procedures & Protections

The Automatic Stay

Click on this link to find articles on the automatic stay, exceptions to the stay, and when creditors can lift the stay.

The Meeting of Creditors (341 Hearing)

Articles and Q&As on the meeting of creditors in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

The Chapter 13 Confirmation Hearing

Every Chapter 13 case has a confirmation hearing. Learn what it is.

The Credit Counseling & Debtor Education Requirement

You must get credit counseling before you file, and debtor education before you get a discharge. Click on the link for articles on this topic.

Adversary Proceedings

Articles on the most common types of adversary complaints, including those that challenge your discharge, the dischargeability of a particular debt, or pre-bankruptcy transfer of property.

Avoiding (Getting Rid of) Liens in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

You may be able to get rid of certain types of liens through Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Find out more.

What Is a Bankruptcy Audit?

The U.S. Trustee selects a number of bankruptcy cases to audit each year.

What Is a 2004 Examination in Bankruptcy?

Learn what a 2004 bankruptcy examination is, who can request one, and what type of information is typically sought in one.

The Proof of Claim in Bankruptcy

What is Proof of Claim in Bankruptcy?

Information about proofs of claims in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and whether you can object.

Objecting to a Proof of Claim in Bankruptcy

Learn how to challenge a proof of claim in chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Why File a Proof of Claim for a Creditor?

Find out if you should file a proof of claim on behalf of a creditor in your bankruptcy.

Dismissing & Reopening Bankruptcy Cases

Reopening a Bankruptcy Case

Learn when you might need to reopen a bankruptcy case, and how to do it.

Reasons the Trustee or Court Might Dismiss Your Bankrutpcy Case

Here are the most common reasons that bankruptcy cases get dismissed.

Can You Dismiss Your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy After You’ve Filed?

In some circumstances you are not permitted to dismiss your Chapter 7 bankruptcy case.

The Bankruptcy Trustee

The Bankruptcy Trustee

Find articles and Q&As on the role of the Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy trustee, what to expect from the trustee, and more.

Questions on Bankruptcy Procedure

Common questions about procedures in bankruptcy cases.

Can I ask that certain bankruptcy creditors be paid first?